Ep. 177: CFM Media Camp Cast of Characters

Brandon Butler and Nathan “Shags” McLeod sit down with a bunch of Lake Taneycomo fishing guides at the annual Conservation Federation of Missouri‘s Media Camp.

Topics Discussed: How about dem Chiefs, big fish or no fish, jerk baiting, trout, big brown trout, Darth Doty, fishing the dark side, how fishing has changed on the lake over the years, Lilleys’ Landing Resort & Marina, mystery bait bucket and more.

For more info:
Lilleys’ Landing Resort & Marina
Rainbow Chasers Guide Service
Ozark Trout Runners
KC Flats Co
Excel Fishing Charters

Special thanks to:
Living The Dream Properties:
Hunting Works For Missouri:
Smithfly Rafts:
Scenic Rivers Taxidermy:

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